Monday, March 13, 2006


So Barry Bonds cheated. What a news flash. There is cheating in every aspect of life. No matter where you look or go, someone is cheating. Whether it is someone not paying their taxes or fooling around on their significant others, cheating is everywhere.

I ask myself why and try to think of the times I may have cheated. I have stopped counting so as to maintain the high opinion of myself.

The authors of the new book about Bonds say he cheated because of jealousy for other athletes (namely Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa). I look at all the times I may have cheated and I don't think jealousy ever played a role in my cheating. For Bond's to fill himself with chemicals and garbage that no one knows what the long term effects are is just lunacy. All this for vanity. How messed up can you be to do this? The irony of the situation is that Bonds was already regarded as one of the best players of all-time when he started taking the drugs.

I wonder why Bonds did what he did? I mean, apart from the vanity. Why would he not appreciate his acomplishments and live with that? Barry Bonds is probably the only person that can answer that.

Should he be suspended? No. Steriods and performance enhancing drugs were not banned by MLB. Bonds should retire and allow Babe Ruth's 714 HR mark remain intact as the second best total of all time. Will he? Not a chance. His ego is as bloated as his hat size.

Shame on you Barry Bonds. Shame on you.