Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Gomery Report

Back to the hard commentary you have all come to know and love.

Yesterday the Gomery report came out and essentially said that a bunch of senior Liberal Party guys were responsible for the "theft" and "fraudulent activities". No blame was placed at Paul Martin's feet however there was some blame assigned to former PM Jean Chretien.

Here is what I am thinking: Who cares? I mean really, what difference does this make to any of us? VK's dad said that "stealing is stealing" and those who commit such crimes should be "punished". I, obviously, have a slightly different take on things. It is so funny the way people react when they realize that politicians and their cronies have had their "hands in the cookie jar". Every government has had scandals and such, yet every thing it happens you would think it was the first time someone in power have done something wrong. Time after time, politicians do something unethical, or worse, illegal and we let them off. At what point does this whole process become like the story of the boy who cried wolf.

The theft in question was valued at approx $1-2 million and yet the Canadian government spent $74MM to hold this damn commission. The result of the commission, something we all knew would happen all along. The former PM would be implicated somehow and Martin would not be. Well, PM Martin is guilty but not of what you think. He is guilty of ignorance. If he did not know about the theft (since he was finance minister) then he is quite possibly the most incompetent world leader since GW Bush. Should Martin take responsibility? Sure, why not. It would not make any difference. We have an election and the Liberals win again and we wait 2 or 3 years until the next scandal. God forbid that Harper and his gang of Nazis get into office. Imagine the corruption then. And this is coming from a former PC Canada party member. (for the record, I canceled my membership the day the Reform Party joined with the Conservatives).

Just be thankful we don't live in the US. It appears that the Chief of Staff for the Vice President may have committed some sort of treason. And yet the VP escapes smelling like a rose even though there are documents that states the CoS and VP spent hours together every day.

I would like to know what you think so make some comments.


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