Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Wild On

I have been trying to decide what to talk about this week. At first, I was thinking about writing about racism ( I saw the movie "Glory Road" and it got me thinking). Then I thought about discussing the Canadian election. That is kind of a lame topic but there are some interesting points I could make. And then I came across this beauty of a TV show on Sunday night, Wild On (aka Taradise). Now, I know that in the past I have had positive things to say about Tara but this show was absolutely the worst TV show ever made. I am not sure if it is really bad because Tara was in it or because Paris Hilton was the guest star. Tara and Paris had some cocktails and they toured some areas of Greece with the ex-fiance of Paris, Paris Latsis. If you have ever heard the term "ugly American", it certainly applied to these two.

Don't get me wrong, the show is entirely entertaining but I am sure that this is not entertaining in the way the producers had intended. This show has since been cancelled before all the episodes were shown. I hope that the Canadian network airing this will show the entire series. Just like you stare at an accident on the freeway, you don't want to miss a minute of this car wreck.

Speaking of Paris Hilton, is there any one else on the planet dumber than her? I think not!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Hooters and Strippers

Friday was the guy’s night out after a fairly long week of work. He headed to Hooters for wings and beer. There was lots of drinking and eating of the unhealthy and breaded deathsticks known as chicken wings. They are so good but you can hear your arteries hardening as you dip them in ranch and devour. Our waitress was Luscious Lisa and she is quite funny. She has claimed that she was 1/22 Metis or some such crazy percentage. The last time I was there I thoroughly enjoyed the ludicrous conversation between her and Mr. Bengal about how they were both an extremely unlikely partially Metis. Too funny!

Any how, we decided to head to the Crazy Horse to view some exotic dancing and this leads me to the point of this posting. Why do some men feel the need to pay upwards of $10-15 for a colour laser copy of a promotional poster that the stripper (sorry, dancer) is giving away? And do the girls feel exploited in any way? Why are strippers so appealing to a portion of the male population? It is not like they are going to let you take them home just because you are throwing loonies at them or giving the girls some singles. Now all this being said, it is fun to go to the rippers and watch the other people that are there with you. For instance, the boyfriend/girlfriend townies are always fun to watch. I can just imagine the conversation they have while driving in from some hick Saskatchewan town.

Now I know that we all like to believe that the girls are “just trying to put themselves through college” or some such shit but this seems unlikely. Drugs are commonplace in the industry and a portion of the girls strip to keep the dope coming. A guy I know used to manage a strip bar in Vancouver and he used to tell me the stories about brutal and disgusting the business can be. I believe the quote he used was “meat grinder”. Nice image.

Will I go again? Almost certainly. Will I enjoy it? Yeah, probably. Does this make me a bad person? Hell no! Besides, I keep hoping I will see Elizabeth Berkley or Demi Moore. You never know.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Don't Call Me Kev

Today, I had a client (whom I have never talked to be before) call me "Kev". I am aware that the name of this blog says that I am indeed a "Kev". The thing is, my name is Kevin. There are a few things that people I don't know do that drive me insane and calling me "Kev" is one of them. Calling me "Kev" implies that we are friends or at least deal on some sort of personal level. My friends and family can call me "Kev" and I will never object. I remember back to when my Grandpa was alive he told me that he would never call me "Kev" as he felt it was disrespectful to call me something other than my birth name. I always that was kind of cool. I miss him. Any how, can you tell someone (client or otherwise) not to refer to you by your nickname or some sort of shortened name, especially when you introduce yourself using your full name ? How hard can it be to call me "Kevin". Two syllables, instead of one. And how about people you work with that you don't like? IA can call me "Kev" but can someone that sits near him (and hears him call me that) use it?

All I ask is if you don't know me, don't pretend we are familiar. We are not and probably never will be.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Message on Voice Mail

This is the gist of a message left on my voice mail this weekend:

"Where are you? Why are you not answering the phone? I need to find some strippers. Where are the strippers?"

Wow, someone had one too many pops on "The Strip".

I should point out that I called back (while enjoying a meal at Red Lobster) and provided two prime locations for silicone and cooch. I hope it was everything you hoped for Bengals!