Thursday, October 28, 2010

Too Much Information

I wonder what is more embarrassing: going in to a drug store and buying only a jar of Vaseline or going in to a drug store and buying a box of "Close Fit" (read: small sized) condoms. I would have to go with the Vaseline being the most uncomfortable to buy. I can't speak to the other scenario but I did go buy a jar of Vaseline last week. I have been suffering with a very dry nasal passages and the only thing that seems to help is the petroleum jelly. I went to the Shoppers Drug Mart downstairs at work with the sole purpose of buying Vaseline. When I got to the counter the clerk looked at me kind of funny. I knew what she was thinking but I kept my head down and walked out after paying without saying a word. I don't embarrass easily but I felt a little sorry for myself. At least if you are buying "small" condoms that mean you are getting a little "sumthin' sumthin'). Vaseline and the single man can really only mean one thing in most people's minds.

However, I tell this story to illustrate a point. I think we live in a society where we share a little too much about ourselves with people we don't know. There is a good chance that someone is going to read this blog that doesn't know me. But from this one post you know three things at a minimum about me. One: I have a dry nose. Two: I don't buy small condoms - make your own inference from that statement. Three: I might feel uncomfortable about what people might think about my "self-gratification" habits. Read more of my blog posts and you can probably figure out more about me. The proliferation of social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc has put our lives on display. And while we think we can live behind an anonymous title (like Vegaskev) most people can be tracked down with very little determined sleuthing.

For instance, I follow some interesting people on Twitter and they (as well as me) put somewhat private details out there for all to see. I've seen people break-up, talk about their sexual exploits and in some cases describe how they just broke a law. And all of this is out in the open for the whole Internet to see. Sites such as Foursquare or the new Facebook app telling people where you are further put one's life out in the open for all to witness.

Is all this information good or bad? I'm torn. I have no real issue with sharing my life with others but I am also reserved when I need to be. I won't criticize my bosses or company. I won't talk about my family or my friends that don't have an on-line presence. If they don't have a Facebook account or Twitter then I won't talk about them. Seems fair. We never know who is reading or or watching our lives unfold on-line. However, does a 16 year old girl or guy know what is acceptable to post? Hell, does a 30 year old know? Do they know what will come back to haunt them in future? Does that picture of them smoking a joint, or pounding Jack & Cokes, on their FB page ruin a job opportunity for them down the line? Does bragging about ones sex life or talking about how you called in sick to play the new Halo hurt? Once you start giving out Too Much Information on in the net, your expectation of privacy disappears. Forever!

Let me know what you think...


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