Thursday, December 29, 2005

Why Do I Hate the Holiday Season?

This Christmas Day I found myself at home watching terrible movies (War of the Worlds, Fantastic 4) and thinking about how much I can't stand this time of year. And then I tried to remember why I hate it so much. Did I not get the gifts I wanted when I was a kid? Was there a traumatic moment that occurred when I was 3? Are people unbelievably phony to those around them at the holidays? The answer is probably yes to all of them.

Let's see what positive things I can remember that happened to me during the Christmas break.
  1. I got a cool Deathstar (from Kenner) when I was 7 or so. It came with the some figures and even featured a trash chute from the prison to the garbage compactor. It was really awesome and ranks as the best Xmas gift ever. I wish I still had it but that is another story.
  2. I went to California and Arizona with the folks while I was going to college. I really enjoyed the trip and it was great to see my late Grandparents. I actually have discovered how much I really miss them. We may not have always agreed on stuff but I respected them a lot.
  3. And this year, Mom sent me a New York Yankees logo that she had made herself. Now this may not seem all that interesting but to me it meant a lot since I know that it took quite some time to make. (Thanks Mom).
  4. The first Christmas with my nephew. He was 2-3 months old and was adorable. This was also before my sister went crazy (not literally, but close enough).

So, there you have it. 33 different Christmas days (so far) and only 4 memories that jump out. Now I do not mean to say that Christmas was a terrible time but not very memorable.

Now, what kind of negative things can I think of?

  1. Any Christmas spent with certain relatives. When I look back at these so-called "Christmas reunions" I have to laugh. I don't think many of liked each other. Oh sure, we spent hours and hours in the same room, talking the same inane crap, and just dealt with it but they were just so boring. I can't see these ever happening again. However, I like the summer reunions. That way we all have hotel rooms and can get the hell out when we want to. Plus, they tend to be at my Aunt and Uncle's in Vancouver and I really like and respect them. I like all the Vancouver relatives. If I don't see the rest it doesn't really bother me. I should see my grandmother more, though (New Year's resolution?).
  2. I think there is something mildly upsetting about being a kid living in the Great White North. The only real way to see all the toys you wanted was the Sears Christmas Wish Book. The parents said, "Write to Santa and ask him for the gifts you want. Be sure to include the page and item number on your list". I think the last comment should have made me suspicious. Any how, Xmas morning came along and I can barely contain myself. The catalogue made the toys look so cool. And yet, only 1 or 2 of the things I had asked for were in the pile. Lots of clothes and "crap" like that. Now, I don't want to come across as ungrateful but there is something cruel about making a kid do a list up and then not deliver.
  3. I worked in a retail establishment every Christmas from 1990 until 1999 (except for the year I went to CA and AZ). Anyone who says the holiday season brings out the best in people is full of shit. I had people yell at me on Christmas Eve because I did not have the precious CD or Walkman (or some such crap) that they needed to buy for their kid. My response was usually something like, "Well, I had it yesterday. I guess you should not have waited until the very last minute". At this point they would usually turn red and threaten to complain to the "manager". Oh well, too bad, I was the manager. The stunts that went down at Wal-Marts this season where people got trampled is just another example. People are assholes and bring the misery on themselves.
  4. Finally, the music and TV specials are so repetitive. Every year, I had to watch the same stupid specials and listen to the same garbage Christmas music. I want to kill someone when I hear any Christmas tune sung by Bryan Adams or Jessica Simpson. I have to admit that I do like some of the classics though.

So, why am I talking about this? Well, this year I actually caught the "Christmas Spirit" a couple of times. This really surprised me since it had not happened in quite some time. I have to ask myself if this is because I would hate to think I was getting soft. What next? I start to like kids or even dogs?

New Year's isn't usually so bad. I have seen and done many fun (and stupid) things on New Year's Eve and Day. The best part of New Year's is making resolutions and then breaking them 24 hours later. Oh yeah, and the 12 hours of football.



Anonymous said...

I too got the mighty Death-Star cardboard version. I hate to tell you this, but I still have it in a trunk in my basement. In excellent condition no less...

Vegaskev said...

Two words - E BAY!