Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Vegaskev goes to Vegas

Day One - Monday

First class is the only way to fly. I checked in fairly quickly at the airport and was on my way. I had 3 hours to kill in Vancouver, so I went to the Maple Leaf Lounge and enjoyed surfing the web and watching some TV shows that I had saved to my hard drive.

I was able to dine on some fantastic cookies and had a nice relaxing time. No crying kids or retards talking loudly on their cellphones.

Speaking of idiots and cellphones, I was sitting in my seat on the flight to LV when some clown sat down in the seat beside me. This guy had his phone ringer on high. It was the worst ring I have ever heard. Then this guy blabbed about crap that did not need to be shared with the rest of business class. Cellphones should be banned from planes. And to the think that the US government will soon pass a law allowing people to use their phones during flights.

Landed in Vegas and it was probably the coldest I have ever seen it here. It was only 10C. Yikes. On Sunday they actually had snow in some of the higher areas around the city. I come all this way for weather that is similar to home? Hell yeah, it’s Vegas!

One you first land here you get a sense of how much money is floating around this town. Everywhere you look is shiny and new, expensive cars. Then you see the adverts for the new condo and housing developments. I have been here quite a bit but I can see the change that has gone on here.

I get to the Imperial Palace (my hotel of choice) and get checked in right away. Usually it can take quite some time. I heard that the Magic Convention is in town this week. Good thing I did not tell Indian Assassin, he would have assumed I meant “Magic” Johnson. I like the Imperial. Sure it is run down and a little “low-rent” compared to the billion dollar behemoths that surround it, but I think it retains a little old Vegas charm. The Imperial only has about 18 months left and then will be blown up. It’s a shame but I guess that’s progress. The rooms aren’t anything to rave about but it doesn’t matter, as long as the sheets are clean.

I finished watching a movie I started on the plane “Waiting...” in my room. The movie is quite humorous and can make you wonder about what happens to your food before it gets served to you in a restaurant.

Then it was time to hit the tables. I played a little blackjack. The Imperial used to offer a nice selection of table games but has undergone some pretty hefty renovations. Blackjack seemed harder to find and a natural 21 is only paying 6-5 now while playing double deck. This is not so good. It increases the houses edge while playing. I am not happy about this change. The Imperial has been taken over by Harrah’s Entertainment and you can tell the IP has become much more corporate. Disappointing.
Then I figured I would try out the Imperial’s “new” poker room. They have moved it from a hallway upstairs to a prime location at the front of the casino. The dealers were friendly and I sat at a table with 4 other Canadians. I was playing $1-2 no-limit and did not have much luck. I played for about two hours without catching any decent cards and getting rolled over a couple of time. I decided it was time to pack it in since it had been a long day of travel.

IA got here around 2am.

Day one (down $116.00)

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