Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Fantasy Football Blues

The Yankees lost 2-1 to Texas and have fallen from first. They will be back.

I am a commissioner of a fantasy league ( and sometimes it drives me nuts. Owners are a finicky bunch. Last January we had an owners meeting and voted on keeping the draft type for one additional season as serpentine and then next season a draft like the NFL. 1-12, 13-25, etc. Well, this has caused more controversy than the infamous picking up of a third QB issue a couple of seasons ago. It doesn't really matter to me what order the draft is in because I don't think it really matters. It would be hard to say that where one picks in the draft really detemines where they will finish in the league. I will, as a fair commish, allow any discussion on the matter but it seems unlikely that this rule will be overturned. Some times running a league is not worth the headache as very rarely is an appreciation shown by the owners and yet you are expected to deal with their issues. It can be fun and that is why I stick with it though.

I am on vacation starting in 8 says. Awesome. I am not sure what I am going to do but be assured it will involve a whole lot of doing nothing.

A couple of days ago I commented that Entourage is a really cool show. I have decided to make a list of my favorite shows (in no particular order) that I am watching this summer for the first time. Let me know what you think.

1 Entourage on Moviecentral

2 Nip/Tuck on W

3 The Inside (on Fox) I think it has already been cancelled as there is some gay dance show on tonight.

4 The Crusades on History

5 DaVinci's Inquest (old episodes) on Showcase

The shows I continue to watch yet suck will be listed tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping by.


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