Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Long Time

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been a little busy and have not had a chance to update. Hopefully, I will not have this period of time between updates again.

Two more days of work and then I am on holidays. I have been contemplating what I want to do. I have considered Vegas, adopting a new pal for Marmie (see picture), or buying and hanging new curtains. Well, I will probably get a buddy for Marmie so she is not all alone during the day. Vegas was a strong consideration until I saw the air fares to go. Ridiculous! The airlines have jacked up the fares in both Canada and the US. Now, I am all for free market competition and all but the airline industry in Canada is a joke. One national airline is so monopolistic it should be illegal. Air Canada is arguably the worst run business in Canada. The management team is a joke and the airline will fall on hard times again. For a plane ticket to cost $700 to fly to LAS is not okay. It is robbery. Granted, the government is partly to blame since $250 of this $700 is taxes, but come on. I never want to fly Air Canada but in some cases I don't have a choice. Moral of this story "Lack of choice is a bad thing".

So back to my vacation plans, I am just going to hang around the house. Marmie needs a buddy but I am concerned that a new cat will upset her and cause her stress. We will see what happens.

The weekend was pretty good considering the Yankees nearly got swept by the Los Angeles Angel of Anaheim (of California in the United States of the planet Earth). I watched a couple of movies. The original Manchurian Candidate (w/ Frank Sinatra) was awesome. A little dated by the acting is top notch. I also watched Troy (again) and I realized that Orlando Bloom can't act. He is like the Britney Spears of the movie business.

I saw some commercials for the new TV shows of the upcoming season and I have to say that none of them have looked that interesting. There must be 3 shows about invading aliens. One could think that Americans are afraid of foreigners or something. One of the worst TV show trailers I saw was for the new NBC show called E-ring with Dennis Hopper and Benjamin Bratt (L&O cop). It looks absolutely terrible. Cliches aplenty. I am looking forward to Over There by Steven Bochvco (about the war in Iraq) and that is about it. 24 isn't back until January. And Alias is going to work Jennifer Garner's baby in to the show. LAME!!!

Gotta go.


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