Thursday, September 22, 2005


Brad and Angie are creating quite a stir down at the Mall. I guess people were not allowed to take pictures of the happy couple. If a person got caught they would be permanently banned from the mall. How does the mall enforce this? Do they use the surveillance crew from a Las Vegas casino? Maybe Big Ed Deline? Ridiculous. I firmly believe that celebrities should be entitled to their privacy when they are out in public. At least Canada is not as caught up in the Cult of Personality phenomena like the US.

In sports news, the Yankees have retaken first place in the east. I hope this continues but I am a little stressed about next weekend when the Yanks play the Sox. It could be a dogfight to the end.

TV premiere week got off to a good start. Las Vegas and CSI: Miami were great. Prison Break continues to shine. Arrested Development was as funny as ever and I also watched a show called Kitchen Confidential. I am not sure how long it will last but it was damn funny. SVU was okay and the premiere of NCIS was not that good. I found it a little weird.

Tonight I am going to go home and watch the first Lost episode of the season. I lent the DVD for season one to Thursday Morning QB and he has watched 16 eps in two days. Been there.

Finally, I would like to comment on the $400 being given to each Albertan by King Ralph. I don't agree with the payment as I feel it is shortsighted but I will certainly cash the cheque. Eastern Canadians are bitching and moaning about this. To them I say, "shut it". For years, Ontario and Quebec were the dominant provinces and they never wanted to share. Well, now that the shoe is on the other foot all we hear is "boo hoo". This windfall of oil money will not last forever but let Alberta enjoy its time in the limelight. The control of federal government will always be controlled Ontario and Quebec so we westerners will always play second fiddle.


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