Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Baby Watch

Last night, Jennifer Garner of Alias fame let it slip that she was going to have a baby girl and this got me thinking about something that bothered me about famous people and their pregnancies. It seems the more famous the woman the less likely the baby is carried to full term. Now this is pure speculation on my part but the last few famous women who have announced that they are having babies and announced a due date have had the kids at least 2 weeks before the date previously announced. And the kids are usually smaller than normal babies. Can I back this up with solid statistics? No, but I certain of this point. Look at Britney's pregnancy. All the press reports said the baby was due late September, early October. Yet, baby Federline came sliding out on September 15th. Same with Julia Roberts (she maybe had an excuse because of twins). So why do these women possibly endanger their own children. I am convinced they are driven by an egomaniacal need to always look good. And let's face it, having kids can be bad for ones figure and flawless appearance. The fact that having babies before the due date is bad for the child probably escapes them. Besides, they are rich and famous, the kids will be fine. Now all of this is not to say that they will be bad parents. I don't agree with this at all. I am sure that the children will be loved just as much as another kid. Well, except for Britney. Anyone else think that this kid is just another fashion accessory to her. She and her husband have about 47 brain cells between the two of them. I give her 3 months and this kids will only ever see his nanny.

In other news, House is starting to become one of my favorite shows. And did anyone catch the season premiere of Lost? It was awesome.

Perogy Power is getting married this weekend. How exciting. I hope there is Ukrainian food at the reception. Hopefully I will have a photo to post next week. Good luck to Perogy and his lovely bride to be.

Yanks/Sox this weekend. I am stressed.

VK out!

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