Monday, September 12, 2005

The OC

So Thursday night was the season premiere of The OC. It was pretty bad. I am a huge OC fan but the show seems to be losing its luster. Let's review where we left off last season. Trey was involved with Cocaine Girl (ah, Cocaine Girl) and up to no good. Marissa had been attacked by Trey. Summer and Seth were up to their stuff and Ryan was brooding. Anyways, Ryan found out that Trey had tried to rape Marissa and he was out for blood. Trey had a gun, Marissa and Ryan went to Treys and well, Trey ended up shot.

Fast forward to this season. Trey is in a coma. Oh no. The dreaded coma. Somehow, he had gotten his hair styled while in a coma. Episode rundown. Ryan feels bad. Goes to see Trey. Leave just before Trey wakes up. Trey awakens. Julie Cooper-Nichols finds out. Julie Cooper-Nichols goes to bribe Trey to say Ryan shot him, not Marissa. Trey tells police that Ryan did it. Ryan and the gang try to escape on Jimmy Coopers boat. Jimmy Coopers rats out the kids. Ryan gets arrested. Tears ensue. Summer and Marissa dress up as Candystripers (sigh, not Candystrippers). Marissa talks to Trey and gets him to tell the truth. The police release Ryan. More tears. Coopers are not happy. Seth is happy. Trey escapes from hospital and jumps the losercruiser to somewhere. Meanwhile, Kristen, enjoys rehab, befriends Seven of Nine, and doesn't want to go home. Apparently, she has no idea what is going on at home. Seven of Nine looks to be up to no good. Long glances at Sandy when he was at rehab visiting Kiki and such. As far as the shooting stuff goes, I don't know how the Newport Police solve crimes but the Grissom from CSI, Horatio for CSI:Miami, and Lt Dan from CSI:NY would have solved the shooting in ten seconds. Ever heard of a GSR (Gun shot residue) test? It would have determined that Marissa not Ryan had fired the gun and this whole episode would have been for not. Oh well. The OC is rapidly becoming 90210 which is okay with me. I liked 90210.

Great sports weekend. Yanks took 2 of 3 from Beantown, Colts hammered the original Colts of Baltimore and Kim Clijsters won the US Open.

I saw a couple of movies. Both not that memorable. One was Wicker Park and the other was Garden State.

More later VK

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think they should get an Indian (as in Sikh) cousin!