Friday, October 21, 2005


Thursday Morning QB makes a good point about the music that is around these days. As some of you readers may know, I am holidays yet again. So I decide to sit here and play a little Madden this morning and perhaps listen to a little digital radio. What do I hear? A remake of possibly the worst single ever, More Than Words. Now I am sure you all remember this horrid piece of dreck from Extreme. Why, oh why, did somebody need to remake this song? Someone show find Frankie J and put him (or them) out of misery. There is no clearer sign of the upcoming apocalypse is remakes. Herbie The Love Bug with Lindsay "The Cokehead/Bulimic" Lohan, anyone?

VK is vomiting.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Hello faithful readers. Sorry I have been away for the past little bit but I have been sick and not very chatty. However, due to some complaints from readers lamenting the lack of updates I will post something that has been bothering me for a while.

I hate local radio. I don't mean talk radio on AM. That is not so bad and it serves a function. I am talking FM - 91.7, 92.5, 97.9, 100.3, 102.9, etc. The other day I had to drive somewhere and I figured I would listen to the radio. Now normally I listen to The Team 1260 but I don't care for any of the local programming. I turn on the radio for the 10 minute drive. I heard a commercial so I changed the channel, it was another commercial, another channel, yes another commercial. I clicked on 7 different radio stations (on a Saturday afternoon) and they were all playing commercials. During the 10 minute drive, I did not here one song even though I was scanning through the stations. This is ridiculous.

This is why I will be the first in line to buy either XM or Sirius when they become available in Canada. The morning shows are juvenile and for the most part the playlists suck. Do yourself a favour. Stop listening to local radio. If you must, try CBC Radio 2. Yes, its classical, but at least you won't hear a freakin' ad selling mustard at a car dealership.


Friday, October 14, 2005

My Name is Domino Harvey...

Olive Garden

The folks were in town last night and they wanted to go to the Olive Garden since they don't have one where they live. We piled in the Trailblazer and drove on up the road to dinner. We get to the restaurant and walk in. The friendly (if not slightly peppy) hostess proceeds to tell VK Sr that the wait would be 20-25 minutes. Of course, we agreed to wait. Herein lies my issue. Restaurants that don't take reservations should not be allowed. I find it ridiculous to make people wait to sample their product. Could you imagine going to Best Buy and being told to wait outside until a salesperson could help you?

I have an idea to alleviate this problem. If a potential patron wants to make a reservation, have them leave credit number. The restaurant tells the patron that their credit card will be charged "X" amount if they don't show. That way, the owner of the establishment in question can take an advance reservation with the risk of lost revenue. I think if I ever own a restaurant I will put this rule into effect.

Despite having to wait, the dinner was good and I had a good time.


Thursday, October 13, 2005

A Brand New Day

No, this is not a reference to the hauntingly beautiful Celine Dion album of a few years ago. (Sarcasm entirely intended.) No, I am referring to the fact that I am over my Yankees and their wonderful choke-job. Next year will bring better things.

Tomorrow night is poker night. We are welcoming a new player so that should be interesting. IEX guy will be bringing cash and will be leaving it with me. The nights festivities are taking place at bengals place. No word on whether or not Mrs bengal and bengal, Jr will be there.

My folks are visiting. It is always good to see them and I am sure they enjoy their visits. Last night I think they were bored though. I was watching TV while they hung out. My mom played on the laptop and dad read a book. Ah, what the hell. They are retired.

Indian Assassin watched 24 episodes of Lost in 4 nights. That is a lot of Lost. However, as you all may recall, I did the same thing on my September vacation. Speaking of vacations, I am looking forward to my last vacation time of the year next week. I am off from 1130am on Oct 20 to Oct 31. I look forward to doing a whole lot of nothing. IA and I will be playing a lot of PS2 football and hockey.

Today, I have been reading peoples blogs. It is really interesting in the type of information people put out there about themselves. I am sure in many cases they use anonymous identities but I sure found some interesting sites. I also read about the new Apple video iPod. I will certainly have to buy one. It would be great to watch last nights TV on the bus on the way to work.

I am looking forward to going to see Domino this weekend. Keira Knightley is hot.

VK is done for now.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Oh the pain.

My beloved Yankees lost last night in a terrible fashion. Shoddy pitching by Mussina and bad fielding by Crosby cost the Yanks a trip to Chicago. I guess there is always next year. Biggest disappointment was A-Fraud. Terrible hitting. Too bad we can't get rid of him.

Back to my depression.


Monday, October 10, 2005

New York Yankees

Tonight is game five of the ALDS and I am getting more nervous by the minute. In fact, I am off of work in 20 minutes and heading out to get some comfort food. That's right, Wendy's is offering the Bacon Mushroom melt again.
I will enjoy one of these and then settle in for a night of unbearable stress. Mussina was sharp last week. Are two games in a row too much to wish for? Of course, by 8pm I will be screaming at the TV and Marmie will be looking at me like I went insane. By 930, it will all be over and I will either be laying in bed crying myself to sleep or contemplating the Yanks staff against the ChiSox.

I guess the real thing that gets me through this whole ordeal is that the Red Sux are already shining up the clubs and the Yanks are playing.

Speaking of sleeping, I had a nightmare last night. Wanna hear what woke me up at 3am this morning. Here is what I heard in my dream, "New York starting centrefielder, Johnny Damon". George, say it ain't so.


Happy Thanksgiving...

Another holiday is upon us. Last night I went to my good friends, The Stormin' Mormon's, house for Thanksgiving dinner. What a meal. There was turkey, potatoes, and all the fixin's. It was a great meal with great company. Too many highlights to mention.

The Yankees pulled it out of the hat last night. Tonight they play the final game of the series against Anaheim. I am a little nervous about this game since I left my lucky hat at the bosses house. I hope he brings it in today.

This weekend saw Indian assassin, The Professor, and myself head out to see the new Al Pacino movie, Two for the Money. It was pretty okay. An interesting story but I thought was a little too neatly tied up at the end. I wish that American movie studios would take some risks every once and a while. Oh well, what can you do. This weekend, the Indian assassin and I are heading out to see the new Keira Knightley movie. I hope it is as cool as it looks.

This weekend there was a terrible earthquake in Asia. I have seen reports that there have been 20000 killed and many more wounded by this. Where is the outcry for support and financial aid from the press? I have a theory and some may disagree with it and may even find it offensive but here it is: Pakistan is not somewhere North Americans or Europeans visit so there may be a feeling of "Oh well, not our problem." Plus, Pakistan is perceived as a nation of terrorist supporting crazies. The south Pacific tsunami hit a nerve since it affected places that we like to vacation at but who wants to visit the northern mountains of Pakistan? I feel that this disaster deserves the same amount of attention as the New Orleans flood but it never will. Its a shame that we treat one group of affected people differently than others. But you can do something about it, contact the Red Cross and make a donation.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

And sadness sweeps across America (and maybe Canada)

VK Asks:

If these two kids can't make it, what hope is there for the rest of us?

On the upside, there are rumors of a Britney Spears, uh, sex tape floating around. It is coming to a Kazaa site near you (pun sort of intended). Okay, maybe this is sad news too.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Life just keeps getting better...

First the Yankees win the East and then we are informed of this great bit of news (okay, maybe not great but good?). What does this mean? Yes, it's Cocaine Girl (see below) on the big screen. Good times!!

Sunday, October 02, 2005

NFL Quick Thoughts Week 4

1 The Colts appear to be the best team in the NFL.

2 Eli Manning is starting to look like the QB the Giants wanted when they traded for him.

3 Gruden has to drive Caddilac less (and may be forced to with the hammy injury).

4 Skin's - no "O" but the defence is very impressive. Not sure about benching Arrington though.

5 The JP Losman experiment appears to be over, Holcombe should spark Buffalo offense.

6 Pat's first home loss in 3 years. End of the dynasty?

7 Nice to see the Saint's play well at "home".

8 LT, best player in the league?

9 Cincy let the Texans stay in the game for too long. Overconfidence? Yep!

And did I mention the Yankees won the AL East?