Monday, October 10, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving...

Another holiday is upon us. Last night I went to my good friends, The Stormin' Mormon's, house for Thanksgiving dinner. What a meal. There was turkey, potatoes, and all the fixin's. It was a great meal with great company. Too many highlights to mention.

The Yankees pulled it out of the hat last night. Tonight they play the final game of the series against Anaheim. I am a little nervous about this game since I left my lucky hat at the bosses house. I hope he brings it in today.

This weekend saw Indian assassin, The Professor, and myself head out to see the new Al Pacino movie, Two for the Money. It was pretty okay. An interesting story but I thought was a little too neatly tied up at the end. I wish that American movie studios would take some risks every once and a while. Oh well, what can you do. This weekend, the Indian assassin and I are heading out to see the new Keira Knightley movie. I hope it is as cool as it looks.

This weekend there was a terrible earthquake in Asia. I have seen reports that there have been 20000 killed and many more wounded by this. Where is the outcry for support and financial aid from the press? I have a theory and some may disagree with it and may even find it offensive but here it is: Pakistan is not somewhere North Americans or Europeans visit so there may be a feeling of "Oh well, not our problem." Plus, Pakistan is perceived as a nation of terrorist supporting crazies. The south Pacific tsunami hit a nerve since it affected places that we like to vacation at but who wants to visit the northern mountains of Pakistan? I feel that this disaster deserves the same amount of attention as the New Orleans flood but it never will. Its a shame that we treat one group of affected people differently than others. But you can do something about it, contact the Red Cross and make a donation.


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