Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Bloodless Coup pt 2

The opposition was able to bring down the government yesterday. I am disgusted by the politicians of this country. All of them. This is all about ego and has nothing to do with making Canada a better country. The PC, NDP and Bloc are all complaining about waste in the government and yet elections are extremely expensive and do little to improve our way of life. And what exactly is going to be accomplished with this election? The results will show another Liberal minority government and we will be right back were we started. And with seperatism raising its ugly head in Quebec again, a minority government does not help Canada in any way.

Did anyone notice the kiss that my MP laid on the leader of the opposition yesterday during the vote of non-confidence? Don't tell me their is nothing going on there.

On a lighter note, the Edmonton Eskimos won the Grey Cup. It could have been the most exciting game ever played in the CFL. I am proud to say I am a fan of the Green and Gold but I did not feel the level of anxiety that I usually feel when my favorite teams are playing. I guess the CFL just doesn't work that much for me.

IA is off to LA-LA land. He needs to remember to ask for "Whiskey and Coke" not "Rye and Coke". Many Americans have no idea what rye is. Weird?

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