Friday, November 11, 2005

Time to talk a little TV

The new TV season is a quarter of the way through so I thought it might be to do an evaluation of shows I am watching. Enjoy.

Before I get to the TV talk just a couple of notes about other stuff.

Today is Remembrance Day in Canada. All of our soldiers should be honoured. The Canadian military is a great institution that we all take for granted (even our government). We should put more money into defense and pay the soldiers like they should be. Also it is my late Grandparents anniversary. I miss them dearly and wish they were still around.

The public transportation note of the day: This morning, a holiday, I was the only person on the bus for almost the whole trip. I am thinking that ETS would have been better off not running my route this morning.

If you will remember I did a rundown earlier this season of what I was going to watch. There have been a couple of additions but several subtractions. Here we go:

Sunday night:

The Simpsons has been just okay this season. Granted we have only seen a couple of episodes due to the break for the baseball play-offs. The "Treehouse of Horrors" episodes was probably the weakest one ever. Grade C+
The West Wing has been good at times and terrible at others. I thought the live debate was interesting but the outcome of the election is pretty apparent when Jimmy Smits is under contract through next season. Grade C
Desperate Housewives was a bore the first couple of episodes and I stopped watching. I have heard it has gotten better but I will probably never watch this show again. Grade D
Law & Order: CI has tried something different by alternating stars of the show from episode to episode. I like it. It has been a strong season and the 2 hour movie last week was pretty good. Grade B
Rome has been excellent. As with most HBO series it has been full of good writing and interesting plot work. Too bad there are only 3 more episodes left this season. Grade A-

Monday night:

Arrested Development has been put on hiatus by FOX and this is a disgrace. I still think this show is the funniest on TV. Charlize Theron has been a guest star for the past few eps and hilarity ensued. Hopefully the show will be back later this season but it seems it is gone for good. Grade A
This season of Prison Break has been up and down. I love the prison scenes but the conspiracy stuff seems a little over the top. I think the producers are unsure of going the 24 route of improbable plot twists and such is achievable. I enjoy the show but I am worried it may be taking itself a little to seriously. Grade B+
Las Vegas started off a little slow but seems to be picking up the pace. The retro episode this last week was great. And Vegas Sam is as hot as ever. Someone dies during sweeps. Ideas? Grade B-
CSI:Miami has bored me a bit this season. Maybe I am watching too many crime shows. This weeks episode had a plane crash in it. If my math is correct, this is the 3rd plane to crash on CSI:Miami in 3 seasons. Note to self: drive to Miami, do NOT fly. Grade C+

Tuesday night:

The season long mockery of those on anti-depressants on Rescue Me has been pretty funny. See Dennis Leary take Prozac, see him write poetry. See Leary off Prozac, he start brawls in the FDNY vs NYPD hockey game. Good stuff. Watch this show. Grade A
Commander in Chief has been different than I originally expected. I thought it would be like West Wing but it has been more of a "family in the White House" kind of show. Steven Bochco has taken over the producing of the show so I expect it to become a little grittier. Grade B-
House is a riot. This could be my favorite show on TV right now. It is like a medical detective show. I had no idea that all these maladies existed. Grade A+
NCIS is poorly written and the acting is mediocre, at best. And yet I continue to watch it. Car wreck, anyone? The stories are at least interesting. The repeats I saw during the summer were definitely better. Grade C+
Bones is a new show on FOX starring David Boreanez (from Buffy and Angel). I am not sure how to describe this show but it keeps getting better each week. Grade B
L&O:SVU had an excellent episode last week involving American Nazis. This could be the best season on SVU since its first. Grade B+

Wednesday night:

How could they kill Shannon? Poor IA! Lost keeps bringing out the surprises. The new group of survivors has added a new dynamic to the show. This season is as strong as last and looks to keep being the best drama on TV. Grade A+
Invasion has been a little disappointing to me. I am not sure if I have ADD or not but I can't seem to sit through an entire episode. I think the show is moving to slow for me and I find myself fast forwarding through it. Will I keep trying to watch it? Probably, but I hope it picks up the pace soon. Grade C+ (but something tells me I should rate it higher)
I watched one episode of Law & Order this season and stopped watching after that. I can't explain why. Maybe I have way to much TV to watch. Grade N/A
Note to NBC: Please cancel E-Ring. Grade D-
Who would have thought a show about a soccer mom selling pot would be funny? Apparently the writers of Weeds. And you know what? I agree. Watch this show. Showcase in Canada. Grade A-

Thursday Night:

The OC has been a huge let down for me this season. The writing is weak and the story lines suck. Marissa goes to a new school and falls in with a crowd exactly like her old friends only poorer. It kind of reminds me of when Elaine found the bizarro crew on Seinfeld. I hope it gets better but I am not holding out much hope. Grade C
Like The OC, Alias has disappointed me this season as well. Perhaps it is the death of Vaughn or Sydney's pregnancy, but the show seems to lack the spark it once had. This is the last season of Alias so hopefully they turn it around and allow the show to go out with a bang and not a whimper. Grade C
CSI continues to plug along. I think the show needs a new character or two just to spruce things up. Grade B
And I finally gave up on ER. I made it through one episode and abandoned the show. It is just pure crap now. Grade F (it should only be a D but I really liked this show in its prime and it is just a pale copy now)

Friday night:

I have a tough time following all the math talk in Numb3rs. And I am not sure if math would really even help solve some of the crimes they are investigating. But, the show is fun and fills a void on Saturday mornings. Grade B-
Threshold continues to intrigue me. The show is not as slow as Invasion but needs to pick up the pace a little. Carla Gugino is good in her role and is a smokin' hottie as well. Grade B
Bernie Mac is predictable but funny at the same time. Grade B-

Saturday night:

Nip/Tuck is probably my second favorite show on TV. It is bleak and disturbing yet also, highly entertaining. Where else on TV are you going to see a firm marketing a facial mask whose main ingredient is semen? Or Joan Rivers? Or a porn star with a heart of gold? Grade A
Saturday Night Live is terrible this year. Even the return of Tina Fey has not salvaged this season. It almost makes one long for the days of David Spade and Adam Sandler. Almost! Grade D-

That's it.

VK is out!

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