Monday, November 21, 2005

Late Shift

Today I start two weeks of working the 10-6 shift at my job. There is nothing worse than working this shift. Now I imagine there are actually worse jobs and shifts to work but I have my reasons.

I wake up an hour and a half before I needed to go to work. So I get up, have breakfast, watch some CNBC, chase Marmie around and then wait. And wait. And wait some more. Finally, 9am comes along and I drive to the mall to catch the bus.

Now it is one thing to roll out of bed, shower, eat Cheerios and then catch the bus all in the space of about half an hour. Not a lot of time to reflect on how you don't want to work that day. The time I waited this morning made me think about how nice it would be to stay at home lounging on the couch.

In other words, this is going to be a long two weeks.

Thoughts of the day:

1 Colts beat the Bengals. bengals4ever is lucky he is on vacation or the mocking would never cease. No defense but it sure was exciting.

2 The Esks pulled it out last night. I went Moe's to watch the best part of the game with IA.

3 I went to BBY this weekend looking for 4 items (Sinatra CD, Rome computer game, House season one on DVD and Nip/Tuck season two on DVD). They were sold out of each item. I wandered around for half an hour looking for something to spend my money on and could find nothing. How sad.

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