Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Bloodless Coup

Now I know I have ranted about this before but the whole issue of the Conservatives trying to bring down the government of Canada with a non-confidence vote really bothers me. I know I live in Alberta and it is a given that I must support the PC party but I just can't. I wrote this piece at the beginning of November and I am bending in my beliefs at all. In fact, I think my stance is getting more solidified against the PC party and all their lackeys. The pure arrogance of Harper to preach about ethics and the such is bordering on ridiculous. I mean c'mon, does he really expect Canadians to believe that their party will be any less corrupt than the Liberals? Airbus, patronage, and theft were some of the many stories the PC's had come to the forefront during the days of Brian Mulroney. And I was Mulroney supporter.

I understand that Harper has to say these to be elected but is Canada really any better off with a right wing hack controlling the country? No is the simple answer.

I guess this is all moot any how. There is no way that any party in Canada will carry a majority and we will have another election and be right back where we are now.

Funny thing I noticed today. I think my MP is sleeping with the party leader. I am a pretty good reader of people and her longing looks today in the House seemed a little more than just ones of respect. Can I verify this? No so I will end this note by saying this is merely my opinion and not meant to slander Ms Ambrose or Mr Harper. Of course, this is the same MP that seemed to take huge pride in advertising in her quarterly report to the masses that she spoke the third most amount of words in the House this session. Yikes.

VK and IA are going to Vegas. More details later.

1 comment:

Vegaskev said...

Actually, I am aware that my MP is married. I believe, in the past, that wives have cheated on husbands and husbands have cheated on wives. Being an MP does not change this.

I was going to make a joke at bengals expense but mrs bengals reads this and I don't want another of my friends wives hating me.