Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Okay, maybe Bush is an idiot!

Read this article and see how New Orleans was destroyed so that Bush could invade Iraq.

So let's see, the invasion of Iraq made Bush's cronies rich (oil from $35/bbl to $60/bbl). But now the destruction of New Orleans and the surrounding areas have made them even richer ($60/bbl to $70+/bbl).

Pat Robertson, sir, you picked the wrong president!


PS: Can you tell it was slow tonight?

Prison Break and Rescue Me

Yesterday I watched the 2nd season opener of Rescue Me and the series premiere of Prison Break. I have to say that Prison Break looks like the new 24 for me. I love 24 and this new show looks pretty good so far. The shows premise is far fetched but so is 24 when you think about it. I look forward to the next few episodes. If they are as good as the pilot then this could be one of my favorite shows. Rescue Me is interesting. Dennis Leary plays a FDNY firefighter with a drinking problem, marital issues and a pregnant girlfriend who happens to be his dead (9-11) best friends wife. It is pretty bleak, like most FX shows but the secondary story lines are always entertaining.

I also watched the season premiere of Rome on Monday. The first episode was fairly slow, save for the full frontal female nudity and bloody gore. However, from the reviews I have read, the series just keeps getting better. Oh yeah, wasn't Entourage just money on Sunday night. Watching Ari melt down was classic. If you don't know what I am talking about, watch the damn show. Only one more episode this season.

The price of gas is insane. I filled up at 97.9/l this morning. I long for the days of 49.9.


PS 8 days to NFL kick-off. If you are interested in a pick em pool, see VK and get the hook-up.

US Cable News sucks

I started at noon today so I spent the first few hours of the day on the couch watching hurricane coverage. Never have I seen such shameless exploitation of people in a bad spot. Essentially, they are pulling people who have lost everything onto the air and asking them stupid questions like, "How are feeling?". Just disgusting. The CNBC coverage was better. The funniest thing I saw today was a woman coming out of a Footlocker store (which was being looted) saying that she needed them for her family. She had 7 pairs of shoes. Now I can appreciate that she may have needed the shoes but she should not have had the attitude of entitlement. The situation in New Orleans is certainly going to get much worse before it gets better.

This site was sent to me by a friend of the blog (babs). The nuts are coming out.

Anyone else wonder when Bush is going to blame Osama or Saddam for the hurricane? Maybe it was friends of Bush who caused this catastrophe. After all, oil has hit $70 and gasoline has gone over $2.80 a gallon on the futures market. Seriously though, I hope everyone who is affected by the hurricane remain well.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Bad News

Due to spamming, I will not be able to allow comments to be made to the blog. I am looking into a way to see if I can have members of the RoVK. If you are interested in being a member let me know. You all should know my e-mail address or how to contact me.


Flip Flops follow-up

This article was brought to my attention today. I wonder if this mayor read the VK blog.


Monday, August 29, 2005

George W Bush is NOT an idiot!

Do I have your attention with that comment? I bet I do. Any one who knows me, knows of my disdain for GWB even though if I was an American, I would be a Republican. But let me share with you my reasons. It is safe to say that GWB's presidency so far has been an unmittigated failure. What has he accomplished or presided over? Let's see: 3500 Americans died on 9/11, over 1000 soldiers and civilians have died in Iraq and Afganistan, and a massive tax cut that created a runaway deficit and really on benifited only the wealthiest Americans. Okay, I will concede that the US economy has grown and that Americans have experienced a growth in their net worths. This can be attributed to many things (including record low interest rates and the willingness of banks to lend money to anyone so that overpriced homes could be purchased thus creating a possible catastrophic collapse) but not to the leadership of GWB.

So, why is GWB not an idiot?

GWB raised a huge amount before he ran in 2000. A large portion of these dollars were from corporations. And not surprisingly good portion of the corporate money ( note: these totals do not included personal contributions from presidents and CEO's of energy companies. Same with the list of lobbyists, they have many oil company clients - Enron being a prime example) came from oil companies and yes, Haliburton. How have these companies benefited by supporting GWB? Well, oil has gone from a price of $19/bbl in 2000 to over $70/bbl today. Natural gas prices have quadrupled. And of course, Haliburton has received billions in military money for the war in Iraq.

You are wondering, okay VK but, why is Bush not an idiot? Well here is my reason. Bush knows that his legacy is all but destroyed. It is time to pay back the people that got him to the White House (Cheney included). The US government has done nothing to try to control the price of energy. Who benefits? The men and companies that donated to his campaign. Haliburton continues to receive government contracts for military and civilian contract work in Iraq. These contracts are given out without going through the regular tender process under the pretense of national security. So Bush has made everyone around him richer than ever before and when he is done being the president these same men who donated will hire Dubya to "work" for them and be handsomely compensated. GWB has, arguably, been the dumbest president ever to lead the US but he certainly is NO idiot.

Yesterday was movie day at the VK abode. I watched 5 movies. The first was The Grudge. It was okay but I did not find it as scary as I had heard. The second was Copland. I really enjoyed this movie. It was funny to see half the cast of the Sopranos in it. Thirdly, I watched Tombstone. Great movie, watch it and see what Billy Bob Thornton looked like pudgy. Fourth, I watched He Got Game. Ah, Chasey Lain and Jill Kelly, nuf said. And finally, I saw The Killer. John Woo and Chow Yun Fat rock. This is probably the most violent movie I have ever seen. Well worth it.

I may have more later. Let me know what you think of GWB.


Friday, August 26, 2005

Happy 2nd Birthday G-Man!

Sorry it is a few days late! You rock G-Man!

Flip Flops

A few weeks ago there was an article ( about flip flops that I read and sort of chuckled at the ludicriousness of the whole. Well, yesterday, I think I began to understand what the whole issue was about. I have never been one to pretend I am an expect on women's fashion but the lack of expertise certainly will not stop me from ranting about flip flops. So here we go: Yesterday on the bus ride home I saw the perfect storm of bad fashion sense. There was a lady (25ish) who got on the bus wearing low rider jeans, a cut-off T, and flip flops. Now, on Tararrific Reid or Angie Jolie this would be perfectly acceptable attire but on this woman it was anything but perfectly acceptable. Now I don't intend to be mean or insult anyone but please people, think about what you are wearing and if one is going to wear low riders and small T's, we should not see flab over the sides. And if you have bad feet, for God's sake, leave the flip flops at home. Nothing is worse than bad feet. More on that some other time. A comment was made to me about teenage girls dressing this way and I don't think it is as bad as when "adults" wear clothing that should not be viewed by the public. With teenage girls you can blame fashion faux pau's on hormones and their need to "find themselves".

Let me know what you think!


Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thursday Bus Update

So, I have been riding the bus for the past three weeks, and I have to say I am enjoying it. I wasn't so sure I would and Uncle Rico said I wouldn't last a month. Well, the month is almost up and there I sit day after day. Any how, that is not why I am posting today. I wanted to comment on the grey haired lothario I see every day on the bus. This guy is pretty funny to watch. He is well-dressed (save for the shoes) and has perfect hair. He sits on the bus and waves at all the regulars (myself included) whenever people get on the bus or off. However, when he is getting on or off the bus, he leans in real close to the ladies (who are all 55+) and says some witty comment to get a chuckle out of the ladies. I think the ladies sort of enjoy the attention and it is amusing to watch. I could also talk about the woman who has OCD but I don't tend to make jokes at mental disabilities.

I watched an interesting documentary last night on the Yukon/White Pass Railroad. Funny thing, I lived a fifth of my life in the Yukon and had not heard of half the places and things that were talked about during the show. And I only lived 50 miles from the railroad. I guess it is true that you only see what you want to see.

Football draft on Saturday. Should be a good time. The football season starts two weeks from tonight. I can't wait. The Yankees blew it huge last night. 8 runs in an inning is a disgrace. Hard to come down to hard on Mussina though, he has been the best starter in the rotation this year.

Tara Reid is up to her craziness again. Read this quote and try to tell me she was sober: "I wish all the mean people, if you want to be mean to each other, just buy a country together and blow each other up. Then we'd have no terrorists left. Like, don't kill innocent people for no reason. It's not fair. We love everybody. We'd even like them if they said they're sorry. It's not fair that innocent people are getting hurt. It makes me sad." Ah, Tara Reid, what would entertainment blogs be like without her. They would not be Tarariffic, that's for sure! See this picture (right) of Tara and her sister. Whoa, that's not too bad.

That's it for me. Cya when I cya.


Monday, August 22, 2005

Yo Yo!

Welcome to a new week. Did y'all check out Entourage last night? Good stuff. I also watched the final episode of Six Feet Under. I have to say that I am glad that the show is done. It wasn't an good after the third season. Rome starts in its place next weekend. I am looking forward to it.

I saw The 40 Year Old Virgin ( this weekend. Definitely a lot of fun. I recommend you see it but be prepared, it can be a little offensive.

Poker was good. I won two of five tourneys. Good enough scratch to pay for the weekends dining out. Surprisingly, Uncle Rico won a game. I guess even blind squirrels find nuts once and a while.

I read today ($50%20million%20home) that Lenny Kravitz is looking at buying a $50 million home in NYC. Something tells me that I should have picked a different career path. The best part? Its a fixer-upper requiring $10 million in renos. Crazy.

So a player for the San Fransisco 49er's died this weekend ( It is a shame but the league really must address the size of some O-line fellas. The average size is well over 300lbs and we all know that can not be healthy.

Finally, the line of the day goes to Sarah Silverman (pic right). She used to be on SNL and recently has been dating Jimmy Kimmel. From the Comedy Central roast of Pamela Anderson, " Some say Pam would be nobody without her breasts. That's just not true," Silverman cracked — "She'd be Paris Hilton." Good times.


Friday, August 19, 2005


The weekend is here. Hooters and poker tonight. Should be fun taking money off of RB, kaya2, uncle rico, airdomin8, and biz. Like stealing candy from a baby.

Read this article ( and see how ridiculous of a society we are becoming. The North Americans want to be less responsible for their own actions every day. Warning labels on fries? Of course they are not good for you. That is why we love to eat fries. Any idiot who thinks that fries are good for you deserves to keel over at the age of 40. Why do we have to label everything? Hot coffee from Tim's (caution: contents are hot)and cigarettes (smoking causes cancer). Duh! Check out this site of moronic (and real) labels on products ( Supposedly, we are the smartest humans in the history of the earth and somehow I doubt this.

More later. Send your comments.


Thursday, August 18, 2005


Sorry for the time between posts. I have been a little busy. And I have been distracted by the collapse of my beloved New York Yankees. I am ready to say that the Yankees will NOT make the playoffs. It pains me to say this since they have a $200MM payroll but if they can't beat the lowly TB Devil Rays, what chance do we have.

3 weeks tonight football season starts. Starting next week I will give my predictions for the upcoming season. I can not be more excited. NFL Ticket is ordered and I am primed and ready. I have been listening to a NFL Fantasy Football podcast every morning on the bus and it is cetainly stoking the fire.

I watched a movie that was even worse than Anacondas: Hunt for the Blood Orchid. That movie was Catwoman ( I was thinking, "how bad could it be?". Let me answer this for you, it was terrible. The movie did not even make any sense. The best actors in the movie were the cats. You would think that Halle Berry would at least make the movie somewhat watchable, but you would be wrong. Avoid this movie at all costs.

If you have a daughter and you want her to grow up to be like Lindsay Lohan (and who wouldn't their daughter to be like Lindsay - alcohol and drug addictions aside), buy this toy (

Entourage was awesome again this week. The show becomes better and better every week. If you have not watched it, do it. You will not regret it. Speaking of HBO series, I am glad that the Six Feet Under run is about over. The show has become so depressing that after each episode I feel like cutting myself. However, the new HBO series, Rome, looks pretty cool and I am looking forward to the premiere at the end of the month. I hope it is available in HD.

Finally, a happy 36th birthday to Donnie Wahlberg. Stop by and see my bro, RB and he can tell you all about the NKOTB concert he went to. Good times.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

People and Animals

Just when you think that the world is going to hell (,2106,3376275a11,00.html), you read a story like this ( and think maybe not.

Sunday Morning

There can't be anything worse than the alarm going off at 340am on a Sunday morning so you have to get up to go to work. I don't think I have ever gotten up this early (at least since I was a baby). At least tomorrow I am off so I can sleep in on a Monday morning. Not a bad trade-off.

I went out to dinner at Moxie's on Friday and then went to see The Island ( with my good friend, KzJ. Dinner was good and the movie was pretty good as well. Interesting premise and excellent special effects. This film has been a bomb at the box office and I am not sure why. Sure, there are not any big name stars (Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson) but it was interesting. Yes, it was somewhat predictable and lots of Michael Bay over-the-top action but I would tell you to go see it if you have a couple hours to kill. Cloning seems like a good idea to me but the moral issues certainly need to be addressed before it can be allowed to occur on a large scale.

Yesterday, I watched one of the worst movies I have seen in years (and I have seen some horrible movies). The movie was Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid ( Holy crap, it was bad. I should not have been surprised. Let's face it, any J-Lo movie that has a sequel, you know will be brutal. Every J-Lo movie made since Out of Sight has been terrible (except for The Cell). She is one of America's very worst actors. And as bad an actor she is, her singing career is worse. If Hollywood never made another Jennifer Lopez movie, I am sure no one would ever notice. Wow, Friday I ripped Julia Roberts and today J-Lo. Maybe I am being to hard on these girls. Doubtful, but maybe!

This article was sent to me on Friday ( and I am a little perplexed. My first thought was "atta boy" and then I started to thinking about it. We have a 13 year old boy and a 28 year old woman teacher. She is attractive and doesn't look like a monster. Yet, would my reaction have been different if it had been reversed and it was a 13 year old girl and a male teacher. I suspect it would have been. Will the boy be psychologically damaged by this or does he think he just got "lucky"? I am still not sure what I think. And then today, I see it has happened again (

I am looking forward to the upcoming TV season. I am not sure what show I am most excited to see return. It is probably 24 (but that is not until January). I guess it would be The OC. Speaking of The OC, enjoy the picture of "cocaine girl". If you don't know about "cocaine girl" just ask myself or RB.


Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday is here

So here we are at the end of the week. It is good to see that the weekend is upon us. However, I am working on Sunday at 430am. Yikes. I am off Monday though, so it should not be that bad. How do I get myself into these messes?

I plan on heading to the movies tonight. I want to see The Island but it will all depend on what the others want to see. I have been watching all the Sopranos (in HD) for the last couple of months on MC. I forgot how good the show is. I read yesterday that the 5th (and final) season could be extended by up to 10 episodes. That would rock. The only problem I have with The Sopranos is the long time in between seasons. When S5 premieres it will be nearly 2 years between seasons.

Last night I had my first of three fantasy football drafts. I think I made some suspect picks. I guess I will wait until the end of the year to really know.

I read that Julia Roberts is thinking of quitting acting. Is yesterday soon enough? Seriously, is there a more over-rated actress in Hollywood? I think she is barely more talented than Tara Reid(see right). At least Tara Reid seems like she would be fun to hang with.

Today begins my list of top 10 favorite movies of all time. I may do the list in 10 straight posts or over the next month. No decision has been made yet. I may have forgotten some so I might change my mind as I go and make some changes but enjoy. So, here we go:

#10 The Terminator (
This might possibly have been the first R-rated movie I ever saw. The story was cool and Arnold was the epitome of bad-ass. "I'll be back" is a classic line. The special effects may seem a little dated now but the film stands up extremely well even to the sci-fi films made now. Let me know what you think by clicking on the comments button below.

Stay tuned for #9.

Well, back to work as my lunch is over.


Drunk guy

Just a quick, early morning post saying I encountered my first really drunk guy on the bus today. Quite funny but a little sad.

More later.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Ten years ago today Netscape went public and I bought the IPO. Wow, time flys when one is having fun. This IPO arguably set off the internet bubble of the late 90's. I remember thinking at the time that the internet was a cool idea that could become quite popular. I had no idea that it would become what it is today. Netscape opened huge and slowly moved back. Then the bubble started. Netscape was then taken over for a huge premium by AOL. I kept the AOL shares and eventually unloaded them the day AOL announced their takeover of Time Warner. 4500% return in 5 years was not bad at the time. Of course, now TWX is in the tank and no one uses Netscape anymore. I still use their browser at home out of nostalgia more than anything else.

Jerry Garcia also died 10 years ago today. I am not a big fan of the Grateful Dead but he was certainly a talented musician and showman.

So I rode the bus again today. The trip was made better by my discovery of Podcasts on iTunes. You can download all sorts of programs and most are free. This morning I listened to a show about the Yankees and one about poker. On the way home I have a show on Fantasy Football to listen to. If you have an iPod, check it out. I am sure you can find something cool to listen to.

I read that Keira Knightley is back on the market after breaking up with her boyfriend. I should let RB know, since I know he likes her. Enjoy the pic, Igga!


Monday, August 08, 2005


I know I have said this before but you all have to watch Entourage. Last nights episode was awesome. It had a positive message for kids (don't do drugs) and Julie Cooper (for you OC fans). Best show of the summer on MC or HBO. Check it season one on DVD as well. You won't regret it.

Let's hug it out, b****

Back at Work

How exciting is today? I can't describe it but I can say that within 15 minutes of being here this morning I had to take two Tylenol for my headache. I think that says it all.

So, I rode the bus this morning. What an experience that was. Actually, it isn't that bad. I pick the bus up at the end of the block and then I get off the bus right in front of the office. Oil hit $63.85 a barrel today so the $59.00 a month for the bus pass seems like a much better deal.

Peter Jennings of ABC died today. I always preferred the ABC news broadcasts more than any other news show or programming. Seemed like Jennings took his modest Canadian attitude with him to the US. Bill O'Reilly could have learned a few things from Jennings. Speaking of US news, I love The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It was good to be able to watch it again (since it is on so late and I work so early). He was ripping the US news channels last week for portraying the survival of the Air France crash passengers as a "miracle". Pretty funny stuff, using the actually definition of miracle and then comparing to the the words of CNN, FNC, et al.

I saw in the paper today that Brad Pitt is coming to Calgary and Edmonton in September and October to shoot his new movie ( Let's hope he brings his girlfriend (See pic-below)!


Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Last Vacation Day

So ends my holidays. I would like to say that I got a lot accomplished but I did not. It was truly a relaxing time and I have enjoyed every minute of it.

Not too much to report about this weekend. I went a BBQ on Friday night that was a good time. It is always fun sitting around after some steaks watching a football game. The poor Eskimos.

I watched the Colts/Falcons game last night. It was on tape delay but I accidently saw the score right before I watched the game. I also watched New Jack City ( It is still watchable after all these years.

I see that The Dukes of Hazzard was the number one film at the box office this weekend. I can not see how this movie can possibly be any good. Johnny Knoxville and the other say are not funny at all. And I can't stand Jessica Simpson. I guess that is why I did not go see it.

Tomorrow I start taking the bus to work again. I do not look forward to this but, how could it be? Right?

On a closing note, it is Charlize Theron's 30th birthday today. So enjoy the picture I have posted.


Friday, August 05, 2005

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Vacation - Day 7

I am down to my last day off of work and I couldn't sadder. I wish I had more time off, as I really do not want to go back. I guess there is way to have more time off but the lack of paycheque could be a problem. Oh well.

Found this site on USATODAY today: The picture (above) today is courtesy of this site. Now, this is one cool cat! Ah, what people do with their spare time.

So, yesterday I wrote about how I was a little excited about hockey returning. I am still excited but I honestly believe that Oilers fans are borderline insane. All I have read and heard about in the local media and from fans is how the good times had returned, the Cup was coming back to the city of Chumpions, etc etc. I say get a life Oilers fans. Just because you have your first bonafide star here in 15 or so year, does not mean you will even make the playoffs. Last time I checked the goaltending stunk and the forwards were average at best. Will Pronger make the team better? Maybe, but there is still room for all sorts of improvement.

Did anyone watch Entourage this week? Classic stuff. ComicCon in San Diego must be a crazy place. I watched In Good Company ( last night and I must say, the only actor with talent on That 70's Show is Topher Grace. I recommend the movie to everyone. Speaking of That 70's Show, I see that the new movie about Karla Holmolka (, with Laura Prepon as Karla, has been booted from the Montreal Film Festival because organizers bowed to pressure of the victims rights groups. I have to disagree with this sort of censorship. Yes, this is a bad event in Canadian history but trying to ban a movie about it is wrong. More on this some other time perhaps.

Yankees finally won and Giambi hit two dingers. I think he is back for good.



Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Vacation - Day 6

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I got to busy doing nothing and I forgot.

Today I had a nice relaxing day. I have become addicted to this game called Rome:Total War for my computer. It is a turn based Roman times war game. It is a lot of fun but extremely addicting.

I saw this article today on the web ( and it got me thinking. This makes no sense to me. Essentially scientists are saying, "we can't see anything, but trust us". Okay, but how does this help us as a people. Let's find the cure to cancer or AIDS first and then worry about the universe.

Now this was an interesting article:
Cloning is kind of a cool idea. I think I understand why the religious right and others get excited about this. I would love to have a clone. Then if I ever needed a heart, lungs or even blood, I know I could get it from my clone. I hear that this what the premise of The Island ( is. I might have to check it out.

So Chris Pronger is an Oiler? AnNaslund and Iginla re-up with their clubs. I might just get into hockey this year. I have found myself more interested in hockey then I have been in years. I actually am kind of excited about hockey. Interesting.

Some members of my football fantasy pool are driving me crazy. I am even considering quitting the league because of them. What do you do?

Shaw has announced that NFL Sunday Ticket is now available for sign-up. So, I called and was informed that if I sign up on-line after August 16th I only pay $19.99 a month instead of $29.99 a month. One month until NFL season and still no NFL network though.

Well, that's it for me.


Monday, August 01, 2005

Vacation - Day 4

Ah, the relaxation is setting in now.

Not much to report today. I just finished watching what is arguably on of my favorite movies of all time, The Pride of the Yankees. This movie starred Gary Cooper as Lou Gehrig. It is a really fantastic movie and a touching ending. Babe Ruth is even in it. A classic that should be seen by all, even if you don't like baseball.

Nice lightning tonight. At least the bad weather cooled things down today.

Til next time.