Sunday, August 14, 2005

Sunday Morning

There can't be anything worse than the alarm going off at 340am on a Sunday morning so you have to get up to go to work. I don't think I have ever gotten up this early (at least since I was a baby). At least tomorrow I am off so I can sleep in on a Monday morning. Not a bad trade-off.

I went out to dinner at Moxie's on Friday and then went to see The Island ( with my good friend, KzJ. Dinner was good and the movie was pretty good as well. Interesting premise and excellent special effects. This film has been a bomb at the box office and I am not sure why. Sure, there are not any big name stars (Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson) but it was interesting. Yes, it was somewhat predictable and lots of Michael Bay over-the-top action but I would tell you to go see it if you have a couple hours to kill. Cloning seems like a good idea to me but the moral issues certainly need to be addressed before it can be allowed to occur on a large scale.

Yesterday, I watched one of the worst movies I have seen in years (and I have seen some horrible movies). The movie was Anacondas: The Hunt for the Blood Orchid ( Holy crap, it was bad. I should not have been surprised. Let's face it, any J-Lo movie that has a sequel, you know will be brutal. Every J-Lo movie made since Out of Sight has been terrible (except for The Cell). She is one of America's very worst actors. And as bad an actor she is, her singing career is worse. If Hollywood never made another Jennifer Lopez movie, I am sure no one would ever notice. Wow, Friday I ripped Julia Roberts and today J-Lo. Maybe I am being to hard on these girls. Doubtful, but maybe!

This article was sent to me on Friday ( and I am a little perplexed. My first thought was "atta boy" and then I started to thinking about it. We have a 13 year old boy and a 28 year old woman teacher. She is attractive and doesn't look like a monster. Yet, would my reaction have been different if it had been reversed and it was a 13 year old girl and a male teacher. I suspect it would have been. Will the boy be psychologically damaged by this or does he think he just got "lucky"? I am still not sure what I think. And then today, I see it has happened again (

I am looking forward to the upcoming TV season. I am not sure what show I am most excited to see return. It is probably 24 (but that is not until January). I guess it would be The OC. Speaking of The OC, enjoy the picture of "cocaine girl". If you don't know about "cocaine girl" just ask myself or RB.



Anonymous said...

"Ah, cocaine girl. Sweet"

Vegaskev said...

Yes, I concur.