Wednesday, August 31, 2005

US Cable News sucks

I started at noon today so I spent the first few hours of the day on the couch watching hurricane coverage. Never have I seen such shameless exploitation of people in a bad spot. Essentially, they are pulling people who have lost everything onto the air and asking them stupid questions like, "How are feeling?". Just disgusting. The CNBC coverage was better. The funniest thing I saw today was a woman coming out of a Footlocker store (which was being looted) saying that she needed them for her family. She had 7 pairs of shoes. Now I can appreciate that she may have needed the shoes but she should not have had the attitude of entitlement. The situation in New Orleans is certainly going to get much worse before it gets better.

This site was sent to me by a friend of the blog (babs). The nuts are coming out.

Anyone else wonder when Bush is going to blame Osama or Saddam for the hurricane? Maybe it was friends of Bush who caused this catastrophe. After all, oil has hit $70 and gasoline has gone over $2.80 a gallon on the futures market. Seriously though, I hope everyone who is affected by the hurricane remain well.

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