Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Vacation - Day 6

Sorry about the lack of post yesterday. I got to busy doing nothing and I forgot.

Today I had a nice relaxing day. I have become addicted to this game called Rome:Total War for my computer. It is a turn based Roman times war game. It is a lot of fun but extremely addicting.

I saw this article today on the web ( and it got me thinking. This makes no sense to me. Essentially scientists are saying, "we can't see anything, but trust us". Okay, but how does this help us as a people. Let's find the cure to cancer or AIDS first and then worry about the universe.

Now this was an interesting article:
Cloning is kind of a cool idea. I think I understand why the religious right and others get excited about this. I would love to have a clone. Then if I ever needed a heart, lungs or even blood, I know I could get it from my clone. I hear that this what the premise of The Island ( is. I might have to check it out.

So Chris Pronger is an Oiler? AnNaslund and Iginla re-up with their clubs. I might just get into hockey this year. I have found myself more interested in hockey then I have been in years. I actually am kind of excited about hockey. Interesting.

Some members of my football fantasy pool are driving me crazy. I am even considering quitting the league because of them. What do you do?

Shaw has announced that NFL Sunday Ticket is now available for sign-up. So, I called and was informed that if I sign up on-line after August 16th I only pay $19.99 a month instead of $29.99 a month. One month until NFL season and still no NFL network though.

Well, that's it for me.


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