Friday, August 26, 2005

Flip Flops

A few weeks ago there was an article ( about flip flops that I read and sort of chuckled at the ludicriousness of the whole. Well, yesterday, I think I began to understand what the whole issue was about. I have never been one to pretend I am an expect on women's fashion but the lack of expertise certainly will not stop me from ranting about flip flops. So here we go: Yesterday on the bus ride home I saw the perfect storm of bad fashion sense. There was a lady (25ish) who got on the bus wearing low rider jeans, a cut-off T, and flip flops. Now, on Tararrific Reid or Angie Jolie this would be perfectly acceptable attire but on this woman it was anything but perfectly acceptable. Now I don't intend to be mean or insult anyone but please people, think about what you are wearing and if one is going to wear low riders and small T's, we should not see flab over the sides. And if you have bad feet, for God's sake, leave the flip flops at home. Nothing is worse than bad feet. More on that some other time. A comment was made to me about teenage girls dressing this way and I don't think it is as bad as when "adults" wear clothing that should not be viewed by the public. With teenage girls you can blame fashion faux pau's on hormones and their need to "find themselves".

Let me know what you think!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you blam tennage fashion faux pas on the fact that they are slutty???