Friday, August 12, 2005

Friday is here

So here we are at the end of the week. It is good to see that the weekend is upon us. However, I am working on Sunday at 430am. Yikes. I am off Monday though, so it should not be that bad. How do I get myself into these messes?

I plan on heading to the movies tonight. I want to see The Island but it will all depend on what the others want to see. I have been watching all the Sopranos (in HD) for the last couple of months on MC. I forgot how good the show is. I read yesterday that the 5th (and final) season could be extended by up to 10 episodes. That would rock. The only problem I have with The Sopranos is the long time in between seasons. When S5 premieres it will be nearly 2 years between seasons.

Last night I had my first of three fantasy football drafts. I think I made some suspect picks. I guess I will wait until the end of the year to really know.

I read that Julia Roberts is thinking of quitting acting. Is yesterday soon enough? Seriously, is there a more over-rated actress in Hollywood? I think she is barely more talented than Tara Reid(see right). At least Tara Reid seems like she would be fun to hang with.

Today begins my list of top 10 favorite movies of all time. I may do the list in 10 straight posts or over the next month. No decision has been made yet. I may have forgotten some so I might change my mind as I go and make some changes but enjoy. So, here we go:

#10 The Terminator (
This might possibly have been the first R-rated movie I ever saw. The story was cool and Arnold was the epitome of bad-ass. "I'll be back" is a classic line. The special effects may seem a little dated now but the film stands up extremely well even to the sci-fi films made now. Let me know what you think by clicking on the comments button below.

Stay tuned for #9.

Well, back to work as my lunch is over.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the blog. I also love Julia Roberts. Definitely the most down to earth Hollywood personality. Doesn't even live in a movie star type home.

I never landscaped my own yard this year, but pulled a shovel at my sister's all day. Am I stupid or what?

Happy Trails,
Your most loyal female reader