Friday, August 19, 2005


The weekend is here. Hooters and poker tonight. Should be fun taking money off of RB, kaya2, uncle rico, airdomin8, and biz. Like stealing candy from a baby.

Read this article ( and see how ridiculous of a society we are becoming. The North Americans want to be less responsible for their own actions every day. Warning labels on fries? Of course they are not good for you. That is why we love to eat fries. Any idiot who thinks that fries are good for you deserves to keel over at the age of 40. Why do we have to label everything? Hot coffee from Tim's (caution: contents are hot)and cigarettes (smoking causes cancer). Duh! Check out this site of moronic (and real) labels on products ( Supposedly, we are the smartest humans in the history of the earth and somehow I doubt this.

More later. Send your comments.



Anonymous said...

Uncle Rico???...You should stop talking to Lisa!!!!

Anonymous said...

I could not agree with VK more. People are not being accountable for their own actions. I'm surprised that there aren't any warning lables on cases of beer saying: "Warning-consuming this product may allow members of the opposite sex become more attractive, when in fact they aren't" or, in Uncle Rico's case "...members of the same sex..." (not that there is anything wrong with that).